Sonja Jüde M. A. is a social and economic historian, journalist and media designer (corporate design). In January 2013 she combined her communication experiences and founded an agency for publishing service and communication with editing expertise.
In 2018 she transferred the grown identity of corporate communications into her own agency and with JÜDE Content & Design she specialized in the communicative needs of small and medium-sized companies.

Internal communication

A growing company requires communicative change. Your marketing may be well positioned – but what about your internal communication?


  • Do your employees and partners feel well informed – and perceived?
  • Is your brand supported by all employees and partners (externally)?
  • Have the structures and topics of internal communication grown with your company?


Four further reasons speak for corporate publishing in internal communication:


  • high credibility through serious analysis of current corporate issues
  • lively communication of the corporate philosophy
  • Gentle accompaniment of a change management
  • Promotion of a strong community and consolidation of corporate identity.


If you recognize a need in this regard, we will be happy to support you. We take over – attached to the management – the planning, strategy, conception and editorial implementation of your internal corporate publishing media.


Intranet | Blogs | Mailings | Newsletter | Newspapers | Magazines | Magazines and others


Interested? Arrange your personal consultation appointment directly: (+49 40) 58 96 22 99 or