Sonja Jüde M. A. is a social and economic historian, journalist and media designer (corporate design). In January 2013 she combined her communication experiences and founded an agency for publishing service and communication with editing expertise.
In 2018 she transferred the grown identity of corporate communications into her own agency and with JÜDE Content & Design she specialized in the communicative needs of small and medium-sized companies.

Public relations

How important is press work for my company? A question that every entrepreneur must ask himself sooner or later. But only their reversal leads to the answer. How important is my company for the press? It is important to regularly review and highlight the importance of your activities for the public. The optimal relationship between journalism and PR is formed by mutual added value. High-quality press releases reliably provide journalists with the information they need on a daily basis. In turn, you and your company benefit from the growing awareness of the press as a multiplier. We prepare the news value of your activities for the local and national (trade) press in a journalistically appropriate manner.


press releases | professional articles | (digital) press kits | project references | white papers | content marketing and others


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